Provide the perspective of people working in this field to State level committees.

Cabinet Agency Lobbying

Policy Development

Administrative Rules

Rate Methodologies

Who are we?

​O.W.N. was created to represent organizations who want to work together to advance waiver services for those with developmental disabilities. 

We are an organization with members who are passionate about making positive differences in the lives of people we serve.

We believe the future of the system is rooted in person centered, home and community based services.  

O.W.N. works under 3 basic principles: Cooperation/Collaboration, System Simplicity, and Quality Outcomes. O.W.N.'s engagement to their vision and mission solidified and membership grew once regular meetings started taking place with the Director of the Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities,  

At the same time, as larger providers started joining, O.W.N.'s voice amplified and their ability to effect change was cemented. 

Simplify the system for providers.

Kathy Phillips and Tom Rickels

What is our goal?

Training and Technical Assistance
Business Transformation

Access to a Network of Resources

Professional Growth and Development

      opportunities for Members

Primary Services


Monthly Publications

Regional Meetings

Social Media Presence

Provide training and technical assistance that members need to succeed. 

O.W.N. is committed to working with state officials in cabinet agencies, members of the Ohio General Assembly, local government officials, and other system stakeholders to:

About Us

The Ohio Waiver Network (O.W.N.) established in 2013 was started by Tom Rickels and Kathy Phillips, who had both worked in the provider field for over 30 years. They felt that providers were being represented by ​people who either hadn't delivered direct services in the field or those who were too far removed from having provided service to be active and effective.

As O.W.N. became more involved with Ohio stakeholders, we were able to introduce practical ideas on how policies would affect direct support professionals (D.S.P.'s) delivering services and the people they served.